In April, our international student groups created different works. 

The first student group led by Agata PRONZCUK. On the first meeting, they informed the other participants about the characters/ figures such as Henry CAVILL, Lana Del REY, Alfred the Great, David BOWIE, John LENNON, Stephen HAWKING, Florence NIGHTINGALE and Charlie CHAPLIN. During the second meeting, they prepared this video prepared with Animoto: 

Video about famous English figures/ characters

The second group  was led by Sema ÖZBEK EDİSAN. First of all, the students searched for famous English figures/ characters. They gave information about the characters such as William SHAKESPEARE, Charles DARWIN, Sir Winston CHURCHILL, Meghan MARKLE, Sir Isaac NEWTON, Sam SMITH, Edward, Captain James COOK, Prince William and Caatherine during the meeting to other group members. On a different meeting, they worked as a group using Emaze Web 2.0 tool. Here is the presentation they produced: 

Presentation about famous English figures/ characters 

The third group led by Gonca GÖKER KIVRAKDAL studied all together and created a quiz on quizizz. The quiz was attended during the meeting by all participants. It was really enjoyable. Please check the link: 

The fourth group was led by Marzena SAMBORSKA. The students of this group introduced Prince Philip, Adele, Jane AUSTEN, J.K. ROWLING, King Arthur, Sir Alexander FLEMING, Bono, Robbie WILLIAMS, Prince Andrew and Queen Elizabeth II. This is the quiz prepaared all together: 


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