On 20.05.2021 we had the monthly meeting and our evaluation meeting at the same time. Topic of May was "English Music". Our pupils shared their knowledge and ideas on forum related with English Music. They demanded to make a radio programme and they recorded some song requests from a radio. During the meeting, the recordings were collected and a collaborative video of eTwinning Radio was done. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-mSc_tLKNQ&t=27s)
We had two separate post questionnaires - one for the pupils, one for the students' parents. Their results were shared during the meeting. (Here is the link to questionnaire results: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/148903/pages/page/1302709)
Final work of our project - short story written by our students was read all together. (http://meetingwords.com/e7ovD1BSNg)
Our guest was Şükran İÇLİ SELAĞZI - Music Teacher. She played the piano and flute for us performing some samples of English Music. In addition to this, our dear student Rojda shared her song recording with us.
At the end of the meeting, tutors and pupils evaluated the project orally. It was a nice and useful gathering for everyone.
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