
On 20.05.2021 we had the monthly meeting and our evaluation meeting at the same time. Topic of May was "English Music". Our pupils shared their knowledge and ideas on forum related with English Music. They demanded to make a radio programme and they recorded some song requests from a radio. During the meeting, the recordings were collected and a collaborative video of eTwinning Radio was done. ( ) We had two separate post questionnaires - one for the pupils, one for the students' parents. Their results were shared during the meeting. (Here is the link to questionnaire results: )  Final work of our project - short story written by our students was read all together. ( )  Our guest was Şükran İÇLİ SELAĞZI - Music Teacher. She played the piano and flute for us performing some samples of English Music. In addition to this, our dea...
In April, our international student groups created different works.  The first student group led by Agata PRONZCUK. On the first meeting, they informed the other participants about the characters/ figures such as Henry CAVILL, Lana Del REY, Alfred the Great, David BOWIE, John LENNON, Stephen HAWKING, Florence NIGHTINGALE and Charlie CHAPLIN. During the second meeting, they prepared this video prepared with Animoto:  Video about famous English figures/ characters The second group  was led by Sema ÖZBEK EDİSAN. First of all, the students searched for famous English figures/ characters. They gave information about the characters such as William SHAKESPEARE, Charles DARWIN, Sir Winston CHURCHILL, Meghan MARKLE, Sir Isaac NEWTON, Sam SMITH, Edward, Captain James COOK, Prince William and Caatherine during the meeting to other group members. On a different meeting, they worked as a group using Emaze Web 2.0 tool. Here is the presentation they produced:  Presentation about f...
 March is the "English Drama" month of our project! After having a meeting on it, our students searched for famous English Drama Characters and described these characters to each other during Zoom breaakout sessions. They created an animated character on Voki and recorded famous lines by many English drama characters such as Ophelia, Earnest, Hamlet, Lady Macbeth, Algernon, Cleopatra etc. Here is the link - plase see our students' works:  Work of March - Animated English Drama Characters in Modern Times
On 16.03.2021 an international meeting was held. Our guest instructor was Ramazan SARAL who lectured about drama and English Drama. In addition to this, Kamile Gonca KIVRAKDAL introduced us Voki - the Web 2.0 Tool we are going to use. We all had fun while learning. 
 We are so proud to share our students' work: an audio map of London! (Work of February)  The students presented London tourist attractions to each other during an online meeting. This allowed them to practise English! Then, they recorded a brief description via "Vocaroo" and attached to a map using "Thinglink".  Please see the link: (The printable map is from - thank you!)
Nonnative language speakers occasionally avoid speaking in a foreign language. Compared with other skills (Writing, reading and listening), speaking is the least favourite of all for young learners. As English Teachers, we aim to encourage our students to speak in English, sing in English, even act in English via English language, literature, music and drama. Then, we said "why don't we make a speaking project?!" Here you go - our project is " Speak English like a Brit "! Our project was approved on 5th January, 2021.