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Bağlum Anadolu Lisesi news on approval of the project

İzmir Kız Lisesi news

Official logo announcement

Audio London Map news on Bağlum Anadolu Lisesi website

Work of February - Audio Map of London

News on Szkola Gruta school webpage

March Meeting Presentation by Agata Pronzcuk

İzmir Kız Lisesi school website news on English Drama presentation 

Bağlum Anadolu Lisesi school website news on English Drama presentation

Bağlum Anadolu Lisesi school website - work of March news

Bağlum Anadolu Lisesi school website - works of April

News on "Bilim Şenliği" website

Bağlum Anadolu Lisesi School Board

Zespół Szkół Technicznych w Toruniu post on school account

In Ankara, nowadays (during March and the beginning of April) the schools are having face to face classes. Ali B.B. from Bağlum Anadolu Lisesi made a presentation about our eTwinning project to his classmates, introduced Twinspace, showed our products and answered the students' question. It was impressive for non participants of the project. Now we have eager students for upcoming projects! 


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